Sunday, May 10, 2009


Welcome to The Green Blue Grit (GBG)

Who am I? I am Nick J Boragina. I've run for office twice before (once for Toronto City Council in 2006, and once provincially in PEI in 2003.) I have no interest in running again int the near future.

I am 24, but I have literally been in every major (english) federal party in this country. Why? I have a hard time finding one that fits. I consider myself a Green Blue Grit. On economic issues, I think the government should butt out. I also think the government should butt out on social issues. However I think government intervention is critical to saving the environment and preventing crime. When people ask me where I stand, I often say that it seems it is impossible in this country to want "married gay couples to pay less taxes" as most people who are pro-gay tend to be pro-higher taxes. I am perhaps a little libertarian.

I intend to use this blog in conjunction with my other blogs, niXtuff, and a yet-unnamed transit blog (will edit in here later) on those blogs will intend to present the facts. It will be here that I will present the bulk of my opinion.

I have noticed that a persons political values are shaped by personal experiences. I have had very unique personal experiences which have lead to my very unique political values. I think that Harper is too soft on crime, and Layton is not pro-gay enough. I even hold views that you might consider utterly insane. Quebec, for example, has a major separatist party, and the west has a smattering of minor ones. Are you aware, however, that each year* Ontario sends 23 billion dollars to the rest of Canada that it never sees again? We pay, to the federal government in federal taxes, 23 billion more, than the federal government returns to us in federal spending. If we were a country, we would likely be in surplus even now during the height of the recession. I still have faith though that we can fix things within Canada.

(*figure from 2006 or 2007)

PS. I am a supporter and soon-to-be-member of the Federal Liberals and Provincial Greens.